How do I edit or cancel a schedule?
Please note, a schedule can only be created by a manager on the account.
1. Log into the manager web portal at
2. Click Monitored Users at the top.
3. Click the name of the monitored user that needs the schedule.
4. Click the pencil icon under the calendar on the right side.
5. Here you will see the current month along with any scheduled tests.
6. Click the time of a test on a schedule that you would like to edit. In this example, the 8:00am on October 14th was selected. This is part of a random test series in this example.
7. Here you can edit the time or times, how many random tests if applicable, or days of the week. If you want to delete that schedule, click the trash can icon at the bottom.
8. If you click the trash can icon, the screen below will appear. Click Delete to confirm.
9. The calendar will appear with the updates made. Below you will see that my random tests were deleted.